CommuteSmart Birmingham

CommuteSmart Birmingham


About Us

CommuteSmart Birmingham provides free assistance to anyone searching for an alternative way to commute to work and wants to save a little cash. CommuteSmart will pay commuters incentives if they carpool with someone, take public transit, bicycle, telework or walk to and from work at least 20 times in a 90-day period. For anyone who logs a clean commute on their CommuteSmart website profile, CommuteSmart will pay each commuter $1 per day for the first 90 days up to $70 and will give a $25 gift card to each commuter every 90 days following that with continued participation. CommuteSmart provides a free ridematching system to encourage finding a carpool partner or bike buddy with similar preferences.

CommuteSmart has a vanpool program for Commuters who are taking a longer commute into work. The van, insurance and maintenance are provided by CommuteSmart. Commuters share in the driving of the van, as well as the cost of their commute. The vanpool program is recommended for those taking a 30 mile or more commute to and from work.

Rep/Contact Info

Lisa Smith
Program Manager
Ashton Tucker
Marketing Outreach Coordinator